*The full indoor schedule for Session 2 has been posted.
The full Futsal schedule for Session 2 has been posted.
It is your responsibility to check your schedule on a regular basis to verify game times, days, and any possible changes. Do NOT take a screenshot or picture of your schedule.
Team Roster: Every team is required to print off their roster and provide it to the referee before each game using your profile and going to "Teams" on Bond Sports. Only Sport City/Bond Sports rosters are accepted. UYSA rosters are not accepted. Referees have been instructed to give some leeway on this requirement for games the first weekend. However, starting Monday, October 28th, referees will not be able to start the game until they receive an accurate roster. You may ask the referees to give the roster back to you after the game to use on future games. Sport City charges $2 to print off the roster for your team.
No Digital Rosters are allowed.
Waiver: Your team manager or coach is responsible to have all parents/legal guardian of players complete a waiver on the website (name and birthdate). All coaches need to complete a waiver and be included in the roster as well to be in the player box.
You can find the waiver by going to the following link: http://sportcityutah.com/waiver/ Everyone playing on your team needs to be added to your roster.
Games may also be marked as forfeits when played without an accurate roster.
Outdoor Tournament: We only guarantee one out of town tournament. If your team is playing in an outdoor tournament, the team was required to forward the acceptance email from the tournament by the registration deadline. We cannot guarantee to accommodate any emails past this date. If your team doesn't forward the tournament acceptance email until after the schedule is posted, we charge a $75 reschedule fee if we are able to reschedule. Due to the limited field and court space and the leagues being full, we cannot guarantee to reschedule.
Forfeits: Forfeits incur a $35 forfeit fee which goes to the referees for their time. Oftentimes referees have a game before and after the forfeited game. Without having two teams in attendance, they are not paid for their time. Thus, Sport City charges a $35 forfeit fee to the team that does not show to pay the cost of the referee fees for both teams plus a $3 overhead cost. Sport City allows a team to have guest players or a different team the same age or one year younger to play in place of a team if there is a conflict. So long as those players have an online waiver completed and added to the roster. As long as there are enough players to have a game and the referees are paid for their time, we do not charge a forfeit fee. Thank you for your diligence in following our above policies and procedures.(Email: Leagues@sportcityutah.com)
Youth Schedules | Indoor & Futsal for SESSION 2
Inquiries need to be emailed to: leagues@sportcityutah.com
(Click on desired Division)
Boys 2010 Silver - 2011 Gold Indoor
Boys 2011 Silver & 2012 Gold Indoor
Boys 2012 Silver - 2013 Gold Indoor
Boys 2013 Silver - 2014 Gold Indoor
(Click on desired Division)
Girls 2012 Silver - 2013 Gold Indoor
Girls 2013 Silver - 2014 Gold Indoor