Schedule is now finalized below
Teams shall register into a division based upon age (birth year), gender, and playing experience. Any team or player determined by Soccer City (aka Sport City) to have falsified age or skill level could be dismissed from the tournament. Teams that span more than one age group (birth year) must register in the birth year of the oldest player on the team roster. Teams are responsible for registering in the appropriate division. In the situation where teams place themselves in the wrong division, Soccer City will attempt to rectify the error, but cannot guarantee proper placement. It is each Team’s responsibility to register in the proper division, failure to properly register may result in disqualification from the tournament, and registration fees will not be refunded.
Each team must complete the Official Team Roster Form and submit the form to Soccer City Staff during Team Check-In, or PRIOR TO THEIR FIRST GAME or they may be disqualified from the tournament. All players must be listed on the Official Team Roster prior to the team’s first scheduled game time and must have a waiver signed by a legal guardian on file. Teams cannot add players after the start of their first game.
Each team will have at least 4 games. At least one pool play game will be played on a Futsal court. Leagues with 6 or more teams will have semifinals, leagues with 4 or 5 teams will only have one final. Leagues with only 3 teams will not have a final, rather, the winner will be the team with the most points after the 4 games.
Six is the maximum number of players on each team’s roster: three field players and three substitutes, but teams are allowed less than six players if they choose. (A team must have a minimum of 2 field players). Players may only play on one team per division
U9 and above: Turf 3v3 field will be 32 yards length from yellow line (3 line yellow line) to opposite yellow line and 27 yards from white sideline to white sideline width with a goal 4 ft height and 8 ft wide.
U8 and below: Turf 3v3 field will be 27 yards length from white line to white line (wall to wall) and 16 yards wide from half field line to yellow line with a goal 4 ft height and 4 ft wide.
U9 and above: Futsal 3v3 field will be 38 yards length and 20 yards width with a goal 4 ft height and 8 ft wide.
U8 and below: Futsal 3v3 field will be 28 yards length and 17 yards wide from one basketball hoop to the other with a goal 4 ft height and 4 ft wide.
Championship Bracket seeding for each division will be determined by Win/Loss record for each team. A forfeited game is scored as a 12-0 win for the team that is present. Referees will provide the winning coach a scorecard, which must be turned into Soccer City immediately following the game. For games where the score-card is not turned in to Soccer City, a verbally communicated score will be accepted until the score-card can be produced.
For teams that are tied in record, if one team forfeited a game, they will automatically be considered the lower seed (unless otherwise decided by a tournament official). When (2) two teams from one pool are tied in record following Pool Play games, ties between the two teams will be broken by the following: (1) The team that won the game in Head to Head competition will be the higher seed. (2) If the game between those two tied teams resulted in a tie, or if the two tied teams did not play each other for any reason; then proceed to the (3) three team tie breaking rules process listed below. When (3) three or more teams from one pool are tied in record following Pool Play games, ties between the three or more teams will be broken by the following: • This process should be followed from one step to the next step if (2) two or more teams are still tied, do not revert back to previous steps prior to the final two steps. (1) Head to Head results / head to head win-loss record in head to head games between the three tied teams (2) Goal Difference in head to head games between the three or more tied teams (3) Goals Against in head to head games between the two or more tied teams (4) Goal Difference in pool play games for the two or more tied teams (5) Goals Against in pool play games for the two or more tied teams (6) Goal Difference in all games played for the two or more tied teams (7) Fewest Goals Against in all games played for the two or more tied teams (8) If only two teams are still tied at this point, revert to the two team tie breaking rule (but do not revert to the two team tie breaking rules prior to this step). If still tied in record, proceed to next step. (9) Shootout: follow overtime rules for shootout – each team may pick its 3 players for the shootout
Game Duration: The game shall consist of two 12-minute halves separated by a two minute halftime period OR the first team to reach 12 goals, whichever comes first. A coin toss will determine possession and direction before the start of the game. Games during Pool Play that are tied after regulation play shall end in a tie, Games during the Playoffs / Championship Rounds that are tied after regulation play shall proceed to Overtime (see Overtime Rules for Playoffs / Championship Rounds listed below). There are no timeouts and the Game Clock does not stop in 3v3 games. In the event that a field is behind schedule, the referee may shorten the halftime period, or limit warm-up time prior to game (the referee should communicate any shortened time to each team). The Referee has the official time on the field. THE HOME TEAM IS LISTED FIRST ON THE OFFICAL SCORECARD
Substitution: Substitutions may be made during any dead-ball situation, regardless of possession. Teams must gain the referee’s attention and players must enter and exit at mid-field when prompted by the referee. Substitutions may NOT be made on the fly!
Kick Offs / Kick Ins / Direct and Indirect Kicks / Goal Kicks / Penalty Kicks: KICK OFF: May be kicked in any direction. You can score directly from a kick off, provided the ball is touched/moved by player 1 and player 2 can strike the ball into the goal (the kickoff is an indirect kick).
KICK-INS: The ball shall be kicked into play from the sideline, rather than thrown in. The ball is considered in play when the ball is touched and changes position. This is an indirect kick, and a goal cannot be scored from this kick. NO DRIBBLE IN IS ALLOWED.
DIRECT & INDIRECT KICKS: All dead-ball kicks (kick-ins, kick-offs, free kicks) are indirect with the exception of corner kicks and penalty kicks. Indirect kicks must only change position before the ball will be considered in play. If a free kick is awarded within five yards of the opposing goal box, the ball will be moved back to five yards from the box. It is the referee’s discretion where the ball will be placed. GOAL KICKS: May be taken from any point on the end line. All Goal Kicks are indirect kicks.
PENALTY KICKS: Shall be awarded if, in the referee’s opinion, a scoring opportunity was nullified by an infraction (the infraction does not automatically result in a red card). Penalty kicks are DIRECT kicks taken from the center of the mid-line with all players (on both teams) behind the mid-line. Penalty kicks are dead ball infractions. If a goal is not scored, the defense obtains possession with a goal kick.cretion, and roster size.
Five Yard Rule: In all dead-ball situations, defending players must stand at least five yards away from the ball. If the defensive player’s goal is closer than five yards, the ball shall be played five yards from the goal box in line with the direction of play prior to the penalty.
FIVE SECOND RULE: In all dead-ball situations, attacking players must put the ball in play within 5 seconds of the “all ready to play signal” from the referee, or it becomes a turnover to the opposing team at that same spot. If a 5 second rule violation occurs on a teams’ goal kick, a corner kick is awarded to the opposing team. When teams are substituting players on a dead-ball situation, the 5 seconds does not begin until the subbing players are off the field and the referee has signaled to start play.
HEADING: Heading the ball is only allowed for U13 and above age groups.
6 GOAL DIFFERNTIAL RULE: A team that is down by 6 goals or more may add a “4 th player” to the field, while the team leading by 6 goals or more must still play with 3 players on the field. When the goal differential drops to a 5-goal differential, the team with 4 players on the field of play must remove 1 player to go back to a 3v3 situation. This scenario will continue for the entire game, based upon the score of the goal differential. The Referee will be responsible for letting the coaches know when it is appropriate to add a 4th player, and when to remove the 4th player from the field of play. Coaches may choose not to add the 4th player at their discretion, and roster size.
Goal Scoring: A goal may only be scored from a touch (offensive or defensive) within the team’s offensive half on the field. The ball must be completely on the offensive half of the field, and cannot be touching the mid-line (Example: kick-off). If a player in their defensive half kicks the ball across the midline and the ball hits another player (offensive or defensive) in their offensive half, and the ball goes in the goal, a goal will be awarded. If a ball is kicked from the defensive half and is not touched before the ball rests in the goal, a goal kick is awarded to the defensive team. A goal cannot be scored from an indirect kick, such as a kick-in from out-of-bounds, unless 2 players touch the ball before a goal is scored. See below for “Plane of the Goal / Net Interference.”
Goal Keepers / Off-sides / Slide Tackling / Hand Ball Clarification: There are no Goalkeepers in 3v3 Soccer. No Off-sides in K3v3 Soccer! No Slide Tackling in K3v3 Soccer: If a player is sliding for the ball, contact with any player(s) from the other team is NOT ALLOWED. If a player slides and contact is initiated, a free kick shall be awarded. This does not prevent players from sliding to stop/intercept a ball where contact is not initiated during the slide. Example: a player may slide to save a ball from going out-of-bounds, so long as no contact is made with an opposing player. Hand Ball Clarification: Deliberate handling of the ball that denies a team of an obvious goal-scoring opportunity will result in the following: (1) A penalty kick (at the discretion of the referee) (2) A yellow or red card given to the player committing the hand ball (at the discretion of the referee). NO SLIDING WITHIN 3 yds OF THE PLAYER WITH THE BALL!
Protests of Rules: NO PROTEST WILL BE ALLOWED (Only Exception are protests for Team Rosters). No other protests, or forms of protests will be allowed or accepted (including, but not limited to judgement calls by referees, mis-application of the rules or teams being in the wrong age/skill division), as they are frequently based on emotions or referee judgment calls. Referee judgment calls are NOT grounds for a protest. Videotape is not acceptable as a form of protest or decision review.
The Goal Box: There are no goalkeepers in 3v3. The goal box is approximately ten feet wide by six foot long located directly in front of the goal. The goals are four feet high by eight feet wide. There is no ball contact allowed within the goal box, however, all players may pass through the goal box as long as they do not touch the ball while in the box. If the ball comes to a rest in the goal box, or on the goal box line, a goal kick is awarded regardless of who touched the ball last. Any part of the ball or player’s body on the line or inside the plane of the box is considered in the goal box and an extension of such. If a defensive player touches the ball after it has entered the goal box, the plane of the goal box, or an extension of the goal box (such as any part of the ball or player’s body on the line or inside the plane of the box), a goal will be awarded to the offensive team. If an offensive player touches the ball after it has entered the goal box, the plane of the goal box, or an extension of the goal box (such as any part of the ball or player’s body on the line or inside the plane of the box), a goal kick will be awarded to the defensive team, and a goal will not be counted if scored. The plane of the goal box extends upward infinitely. The referee’s judgment call and ruling on the field will not be overturned.
Plane of the Goal / Net Interference: A goal will be awarded if the ball strikes the netting portion of the goal, even if the ball is then returned back into the field of play without completely crossing the goal line. If the ball strikes the cross bar or goal posts, and simultaneously strikes the netting portion of the goal, the referee’s judgment will determine whether the netting prohibited the ball from crossing the goal line (which should be awarded a goal); or whether the bar or post prohibited the ball from crossing the goal line (which should NOT be awarded a goal). The referee’s judgment call and ruling on the field will not be overturned. In simple terms, the net should not be the source that will prohibit a shot from scoring as a goal.
Player Uniforms, Jerseys, Protective Casts & Jewelry: All players must wear shin guards, or will not be allowed to play. All players must wear jerseys/shirts during play and each team must bring both a light and dark colored jersey/shirt. If both teams are wearing the same color, a coin flip in pool play will determine which team must change. In playoffs, the higher seed will have the option. No jewelry will be allowed, including earrings of any type, rope necklaces and bracelets. The only exception will be players wearing medical bracelets. Game Balls / Sizes: Ball Size 3 = U5, U6, U7, U8 (or 15’s, 14’s, 13’s, & 12’s); Ball Size 4 = U9-U12 (or 11’s, 10’s, 09’s, & 08’s); Ball Size 5 = U13 & up (07’s & older).
Delay of Game: The referee has the official time on the field and holds the right to take necessary action if he/she feels that a team is delaying the game. Any player may be cautioned with a yellow card if it is deemed by the referee that the player is intentionally wasting time, such as if a player intentionally kicks the ball long distances away from the playing field in order to waste time. The referee has the official time on the field.
Forfeits: Teams are given five minutes from scheduled game time, or from delayed start time due to unforeseen circumstances, before a forfeit is issued by the referee. All forfeits must be approved by the Soccer City before the game is considered an official forfeit. Soccer City has the option to replay a forfeited game if deemed necessary. A team forfeiting two games during pool play may be removed from the tournament. A team forfeiting one game during the playoffs may be removed from the tournament.
Playoff Overtime: Pool Play Games shall end in a tie, if the game is tied at the end of regulation. Only Playoff Games shall play into overtime. • Golden Goal Overtime Period. Playoff Overtime shall consist of one 3-minute “golden goal” overtime period with a coin toss to decide kick-off/direction. The first team to score in overtime is the winner. • Shootout. If no team has scored in the 3-minute overtime, the winner shall be decided in a shootout with a coin toss to decide team kicking order. The three players from each team remaining on the field at the end of the overtime period will be the only players to kick for their team. The remaining three field players after overtime regulation will rotate, alternating teams with each kick. The first round of shootouts will consist of each player kicking once (round of 3 players shooting per team). The team with the most goals after the first round will be considered the winner. If the score remains tied after the first round of penalty kicks, the same 3 players will alternate in the same order in a sudden death penalty kick format until one team scores unanswered. If one team has received a red card during the game and finishes with 2 players on the field, a remaining roster player (other than the red carded player) must be chosen to kick in the rotation of penalty kicks. If the red-carded player is the last remaining roster player, one of the two field players must kick twice.
WINTER 2024 3v3:
December 26th - December 27th
Game Times: 8 am to 8 pm
INDOOR BOYS (Click on desired Division)
Varsity Boys 3v3
WINTER 2024 3v3:
December 30th - December 31st
Game Times: 8 am to 8 pm Monday, 8 am to 5 pm Tuesday for overflow games
GIRLS INDOOR (Click on desired Division)
Varsity Girls 3v3