Futsal Open Play

Thursday Nights | 10:00 - 11:30pm | $5
Check-in at the front desk and secure an appropriate wristband. All players must have a signed waiver and photo.
Open Play fees are non refundable nor transferrable.
Age: Must be 16+ to play
Registration links become available the day prior to Open Play.
Players suspended for adult league play will not be allowed to participate in open play.
Futsal Open Play Rules
1 - Teams will consist of 5 players. Each court will have 15 players (3 teams).
2 - Each game will last 6 minutes.
3 - The winner of each game will stay on the field. The losing team rotates off.
4 - If a team wins 3 consecutive games the will rotate off.
5 - If the game ends in a tie, the team that has been on the longest will rotate off.
6 - All players participating in the Adult Session must be 16 years of age or older and show a valid ID.
7 - All players participating must check in at the front desk and receive an appropriate session wristband. Players without a correct wristband are not allowed on the courts.
8 - Be courteous of other players - not all players will be the same skill level.
9 - Our first priority is the safety of our athletes followed by everyone having fun.
10 - These are pick up style games, so they are not refereed. Call your own fouls and be honest.
Anyone not following these rules will be asked to leave.